Western Piedmont Woodcrafters

For all woodworkers

Welcome to the Western Piedmont Woodcrafters web site.

Our March club meeting topic is on dust collection. 

Check out the videos below for interesting tips and other woodworking ideas.

We have a Facebook group where you can find tips, announcements, and other content.

You can find our Facebook Group Here.

Visit the Classified ads section under the Links tab above for items for sale. 

Club Events

January Meeting and Show and Tell
February Meeting Show and Tell

Scrap Wood Gifts

Top 5 Dust Collectors Reviewed

Sharpening jigs you can make

Bob Singletary has several jigs that he’s using for sharpening his chisels, the pictures at right are some of his home made tool sharpening jigs using basic methods. Sharpening is a skill that takes some time to master, however it can be done without spending a ton of money.

This video shows how cedar soap trays are made in bulk by Phillip Cooper, Long strips of cedar are cut into blocks and then machined to have a way for water to drain from a soap bar. This is how hundreds of trays are made quickly. 

about our club

Western Piedmont Woodcrafters is an informal group of men and women dedicated to ALL kinds of woodworking.  We meet once a month for a couple of hours to hear guest speakers talk about a woodworking project, demonstrate a hand or power tool, or new woodworking techniques.

In recent months meeting subjects have included the making of dovetail joints by hand and machine, mortise and tenon joints, wood finishing, fine box making, lathe turning and bowl making, a tutorial on saw blades, use of the band saw, basic drafting, intarsia, case work, routers, wood identification, caneing, measurement devices, deck building, carving, wood burning, scroll sawing and writing pens for fun and profit, plus much more.

Our members consist of men and women of all age groups, occupations, and skill levels.  Beginning woodworkers are especially welcome and will find the Woodcrafters a source of help and fellowship.

Benefits of joining the club include a great opportunity to exchange ideas and help. Paid up members also receive a special 10 percent discount on all purchases (with the exception of power tools and wood) that they make on in store purchases at the Klingspor Woodworking Shop.

Members receive by E-mail the club newsletter “Plane Talk” containing latest news on meetings, member doings, shop hints, and notices of future meetings.

Members can also place no-cost ads offering personal woodworking tools and equipment for sale in “Plane Talk” as well as the classified ads section of our web site. Refer to the rules for posting ads on the site in the classified section.